Career Development

Full Stack JS Developer

Learn all you need to be an independent developer!

iconFull Stack JS Developer Duration: 9 months Placement: 3 months Paid Price: 350000 XOF
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The Full Stack JS development course is a course that allows you to obtain the title of FullStack JS Developer.

The Full Stack Developer is a professional computer scientist with all the necessary skills to act at all technical levels of realization of a computer application:

  • the hardware infrastructure and the operating system ;
  • the databases ;
  • the front-end ;
  • the back-end ;
  • etc.

This course is designed to help you acquire these skills. It is a comprehensive training course delivered by expert trainers and geared towards professional lessons.

Image de présentation Full Stack JS Developer

Why take this course?

This Full Stack Js development course gives you all the skills you need to understand the web and design high-performance, cross-platform applications. After completing this Full Stack JS development course, you will be able to create clear and ergonomic interfaces and set up optimised and secure databases.

This course is for you if:

  • you like the web
  • computer applications fascinate you
  • you would like to make a career on the web
  • you want to take the time to learn a real profession
  • you like to help people solve their problems

This course is not for you if:

  • you don't like technology
  • you are not very disciplined
  • you never follow through on things
  • you want to start earning money very quickly
  • problems make you lose your temper
Do you think this course is for you?
Image de débouchés Full Stack JS Developer


  • Full Stack JS Developer
  • Back End JS Developer
  • E-consultant
  • IT Project Manager
  • React Developer
  • Front-End JS Developer

What you will learn in this program

Discover below, the program you will have to follow during this Full Stack JS development course.

Module 1: Introduction to the Web - HTML, CSS
Module 2: The Sass preprocessor and Bootstrap
Module 3: Git & Github
Module 4: Introduction to Javascript
Module 5: Advanced Javascript - Case studies
Module 6: Object Oriented Programming in Javascript
Module 7: Databases
Module 8: Introduction to NodeJS
Module 9: The APIs ;
Module 10: The React framework
Module 11: Discovering Docker.

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